
  • Scouse honour for city film director

    HE used to wear a rabbit fur coat as Our Lucien in The Liver Birds - and younger viewers will recognise his Liverpudlian tones as the narrator who took over from Ringo Starr on Thomas the Tank Engine. But this week, well-known television actor Michael

  • Drugs crop warning

    DRUG workers and detectives in Gwent are preparing to combat a predicted flood of heroin and cocaine from abroad. Experts believe bumper crops of opium (heroin) in Afghanistan and cocaine in Colombia this summer will lead to greater drug use across the

  • Hundreds enjoy jazz jamboree

    MORE than 500 musicians in 42 marching bands descended on the streets of Abergavenny for the 31st World Jazz Band Championships. A spectacular procession toured the town centre's Frogmore Street and Lion Street before converging at Bailey Park, the venue