GWENT Police has a new Assistant Chief Constable. Lorraine Bottomley, who was previously a Chief Superintendent with West Midlands Police, now has responsibility for Operational policing across Gwent.

Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner Ian Johnston welcomed her saying: “I wish her all the best in her new role as Assistant Chief Constable. With her wealth of experience she is a truly valuable addition to the Chief Officer team.

“I look forward to working with her to ensure that Gwent Police provides the best possible service to our local communities”

Commenting on her first week in post Lorraine said: “I was delighted to be appointed to this important role and as I expected my first week, whilst very busy, has been very enjoyable.

“I have met with many of the officers and staff who work hard to keep Gwent safe and I’ve been impressed with their knowledge and commitment.

“I look forward to meeting more in the coming weeks as I get out and about across Gwent.

“In addition to meeting the officers and staff I’m also keen to meet members of the public and talking to them about their needs and concerns.

“My focus will be on providing the public with the best possible service and making Gwent a safer place.

Temporary Chief Constable Jeff Farrar added: "Lorraine brings with her the skills and experience she has acquired in an impressive career to date.

“She has worked in several different areas of policing and her addition to the Chief Officer team will bring new perspectives and insights, which will no doubt help the Force improve the service it provides.

“I wish Lorraine well and look forward to working with her.