A NEWPORT running club will again play a key role in the city's third half-marathon.

Lliswerry Runners are not only entering around 100 members in the race, but they will be helping manage the start and finish, marshalling the race and have even measured the course.

Spokesman for the club Chris Davies said: "This year we're delighted to help again in improving the course from last year, allowing the entry numbers to increase to satisfy growing demand for places.

“Measurement of the course is a specialist role and club member Paul Day is a qualified course measurer who offers his time to St David's to ensure the half marathon distance is measured accurately.”

On race day itself, Lliswerry Runners will be supplying a team of marshals to ensure a safe start to the race and to co-ordinate a well-ordered finish.

"We're looking at making a bigger contribution than ever in 2015", Mr Davies said.

"Over one third of the club’s 300 membership will be running. Some will be novices who have “graduated” to running through the “Couch to 5k” scheme which has been attracting beginners to the sport. Others are using the race to train for spring marathons such as London, Manchester and Paris."

In the 2014 Newport Half Marathon, Lliswerry Runners won both the male and female team prizes and club runner Emma Wookey was the first woman finisher in a time of 1 hour 22 minutes. There were more than 60 club members in the race in 2014, and Mr Davies says the growth in entrants from Lliswerry is consistent with the "significant growth of the club".

Christine Vorres of St Davids Hospice Care paid tribute to their efforts, saying: "Lliswerry Runners have been with us since day one and do a great job organising the start and finish for us. We don't make life easy for Paul Day, the course measurer, as we keep changing the course. They have also in the past done a cake stall on the day to raise money to support hospice care."