CAERLEON drivers are being reminded to ensure their vehicles are locked and their belongings are secured, following recent thefts in the area.

Over the weekend, from Saturday May 23 until the early hours of Monday May 25, 12 vehicles were broken into around the Caerleon area.

The areas affected included Forge Close, Afon Gardens, Usk Road, Brooklea and Roman Way.

A number of the vehicles had been left unlocked, whilst others had evidence of forced entry. Thieves took items including loose change, bags, satellite navigation devices, a laptop and a bicycle.

Crime and disorder reduction officer, PC Nicola Donovan, said: “I would like to encourage all vehicles owners around the Caerleon area to be especially vigilant with their security and ensure that their vehicles are locked, and all windows are closed and secured before they leave them.

“Always make sure that you keep any of your personal belongings out of view – even a small amount of loose change can tempt a thief. Where possible, take any personal belonging with you.

“We have increased our patrols in this area, but if you see any suspicious activity, then please report it to us.”

To report a crime or suspicious activity phone 101. You can also phone Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111..