MORE than £1,300 has been raised for an Ebbw Vale owl sanctuary after thieves broke in and stole around £2,000 worth of power tools and equipment.

Owner of Festival Park Owl Sanctuary, Malcolm Jones, said he felt “empty” after the main gate was broken into and windows smashed in the break-in which happened between 2.45pm last Tuesday and 9am on Wednesday.

Mr Jones estimates thieves made off with around £2,000 in chainsaws, power tools and other equipment which is used to make aviaries and woodwork for the birds. The damage caused was also setback for the sanctuary which was in the process of building new aviaries and improving its buildings.

But one week on local businesses, residents and bird-lovers as far as Canada have sent messages of support and donated money and items to the sanctuary.

£1,363 has now been raised online and local businesses like Screwfix have pledged to donate tools. Tai Calon Community Housing, which had already made the sanctuary their charity of the year, has given an early donation of £360.

Mr Jones was also struck by a nine-year-old girl from Bristol who had raised a whopping £501 in the last month after visiting Festival Park with her parents and last week donated the cheque.

Mr Jones said: “It can make you feel so empty but then a girl turns up with a cheque for £501 and it makes you feel great again.

“Everyone has been so supportive, we’ve had people phoning up from Canada sending messages of support.

“It’s been fantastic, it’s amazing”.

Of the thieves, retired steel worker Mr Jones said he does not want to find out who it was but called the crime “disgusting”.

The sanctuary, which has been open for more than 14 years, is run by Mr Jones and around 15 volunteers. It is home to almost 60 different rescued birds of prey from all over the world.

The volunteers have not yet told Mr Jones how much money has been raised online, hoping to keep it a surprise.

Volunteer Kat Taylor said: “I think it will be brilliant when Malcolm finds out. It will make a huge difference.

“We had so many private messages on the Facebook page offering help so we set up the fundraising campaign.”

Sanctuary volunteers are hoping to spend £750 of the money raised on aviaries, footpaths, walkways, damage repairs and reinforcements to the buildings. £250 is planned to go on an improved security system and any leftover costs to go towards animal feed, hay, cleaning materials, falconry equipment and incubators.

Police are asking anyone with any information to call 101 quoting log number 81 for 3rd of June.