COLEG Gwent students and tutors delivered Christmas parcels for patients at St David’s Day Hospice in Newport yesterday (THU).

The Business Study students and tutors from the Pontypool campus delivered over 30 beautifully wrapped parcels, with individual messages for the patients which will be handed out to patients during the lead up to Christmas.

Business and education lecturer, Charlotte Brown, was successful in securing a community grant for the students project which was used to purchase the gifts.

All the appropriate gifts were researched and purchased online, then the parcels were put together for male and female patients.

Tutor Charlotte Brown said: "The students were so engaging and enthusiastic, they had an amazing time with the project and were so excited to be able to deliver the parcels to St David’s Day Hospice themselves.”

Franca Nigro, from St David’s, said: “On behalf of St David’s and the patients, we would like to express our gratitude and thanks to the students and tutors for their generous donation and hard work. Christmas can be a difficult and busy time of year, and it’s wonderful that the young people in the community have taken the time in giving something back."

She added: "I'm sure that the patients will enjoy opening their wonderful gifts and reading the lovely messages. Thank you all very much."

During the Christmas period, St David’s will be continuing to care for patients and supporting their families throughout Newport, Torfaen, Caerphilly and South Powys.