"SOMEONE will be killed unless action is taken" to tackle speeding traffic and off-road biking in and around Newport’s Southern Distributor Road, a city council member has said.

Lliswerry ward member Cllr Roger Jeavons, who lives in Cromwell Road near the busy main road, said he had become increasingly concerned about traffic on the

“I’m very, very concerned about this,” he said.

“Someone is going to get killed.

“There is absolutely no chance if a child was to walk out onto the road.”

Cllr Jeavons said he was particularly concerned about the speed and use of off-road bikes in the area and would ask Gwent’s newly-elected Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Jeff Cuthbert to look at introducing a team dedicated to tackling the issue.

“It’s the bane of the lives of residents in Lliswerry and across the whole city,” he said.

“We’ve had vehicles going past at speeds in excess of 40 and 50mph.

“There’s no way anyone would survive if they were hit at that speed.”

He added: “It’s getting worse by the minute.

“I really feel it is something the PCC should get a grip on.

“Somebody is going to be killed before too long.”

Meanwhile police have said they are increasing patrols on the SDR after reports of anti-social driving.

At about 11.15pm on Monday, May 9 officers were called to reports of two suspicious vehicles being driven dangerously in the area of Argosy Way and Corporation Road.

Following a search the two vehicles were spotted at the bottom of Magor Street and both drivers ran off.

Checks on the two vehicles, which were left unlocked, revealed neither was insured. Both were seized by police.

To report any anti-social behaviour, dangerous driving or any other suspected crimes call police on 101. In an emergency always dial 999.

Information can also be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers via 0800 555 111 or via crimestoppers-uk.org.