A STAGGERING 27-tonnes of unwanted goods have been saved from going to landfill thanks to a second hand tip shop in Newport.

In an official ceremony today, staff and volunteers celebrated an increase to seven-day-a-week opening hours.

Founded by the charity Wastesavers in September 2015, the tip shop has received 27-tonnes of unwanted goods while raising £17,000 for charity.

Funds go towards Wastesavers, which donates unwanted furniture and goods to people, and the Peak Project, a scheme which supports children who have been excluded from schools in Newport.

The CEO of Wastesavers, Penny Goodwin, said "the opening hours have proved to be very popular with the public who don’t want to throw reusable items in the skips”.

From plasma screen TVs to ornate Buddhist charms and historical memorabilia, the shop regularly receives mysterious and strange items.

“You never know what’s going to come in,” said Tip Shop manager John Bailey.

“We’ve had everything from golf clubs to glass dining tables, all in perfect working order.

“People are pleased just to see them reused rather than thrown away.”

The Tip Shop is located at the Household Waste Recycling Centre on Docks Way, Maesglas.

It currently employs one full time and one part time member of staff. Volunteers also help out.

For more information visit wastesavers.co.uk