TORFAEN council cabinet has come out in favour of remaining in the European Union.

Backing a recommendation from the council leader Bob Wellington, the cabinet voted unanimously in favour of backing the Remain campaign at an extraordinary meeting yesterday.

Executive member for housing planning and public protection, Cllr Gwyneira Clark said there were countless examples of EU money being used to benefit Torfaen residents.

She said: “I have lived and worked in the community for most of my life and I will be supporting that we will stay in the EU. We have to continue to support investment in our communities.”

And Deputy leader Anthony Hunt said voting against would be a 'step into the unknown.'

He added: “There is a reason why my generation hasn’t been forced to die on the war fields in Europe and that is because the EU is working together.”

Councillor Wellington said South Wales would have been ten times worse off after pit closures had it not been for the EU and he said continued membership was vital to tackle the 'rise of fascism' in Europe.

Executive member for health, social care and wellbeing Richard Clark, highlighted the importance of EU funding for health and social care in the UK and the EU’s role in protecting the “most vulnerable members of society.”

Speaking on a personal level Councillor David Daniels said the EU was important for maintaining animal welfare standards, tackling climate change and reducing bureaucracy in product development and trade.

In his cabinet role as executive member for communities he said the EU benefited employment in Torfaen, including the Bridges into Work and Working Skill for Adults schemes.

Councillor David Yeowell once sceptical about the benefits of the country remaining in the EU said he had changed his mind after seeing the benefits of membership for people in Torfaen.

Executive member of neighbourhoods, John Cunningham, outlined highways improvements, a £1.5million investment into the “Twin Bin Scheme” and EU procurement contracts as key examples for staying in the EU.

Chair of the advisory board for Wales Stronger In Europe, Geraint Talfan Davies, welcomed the Torfaen cabinet decision.

He said: "They are the first local authority stand with us, major trade and farming unions, and the overwhelming majority of businesses in fighting for a better and brighter future that secures jobs, investment and opportunities for Wales.

"We look forward to other local authorities joining us in taking our positive message to the people of Wales, adding to the strong tide of opinion that Wales future lies in playing an active role with our neighbours, not withdrawing into ourselves and putting funding at risk."

The upcoming EU referendum, which will see people across Wales and UK return to the polls on Thursday, June 23.