ALMOST two years ago we reported on the opening of a tip-shop at Newport's Household Waste and Recycling Centre.

The idea was that goods which people were taking to the tip, which were actually decent enough to be re-used could actually be sold on site.

It seemed at best a bit of a quirky idea but instantly proved popular ,with bosses in the first weeks saying they had been overwhelmed by the number of visitors.

And now two years on the shop has proved so popular it is open seven days a week and has a full time and part-time member of staff.

Run by the charity Wastesavers the shop has given people in Newport a great alternative to throwing perfectly reusable items into skips at the tip.

The shop has taken in donations of everything from golf clubs, to glass-topped dining tables, full drum kits bikes and furniture.

The benefits are obvious it is yet another string in the Newport's bow to improving recycling rates and keeping landfill down.

But it is also proving to be a source of really reasonably priced furniture and other items.

And any money it makes can go towards its running costs.

So a win, win situation all round.

And anyone who has visited the recycling centre recently knows from the number of cars parked there how popular this simple venture is proving to be.