GWENT POLICE is cracking down on illegal parking in the city centre following an increasing number of complaints from businesses and the public.

In just two days, more than 70 fines were issued to motorists for illegally parking in two city centre streets.

City centre inspector Kevin Warren said the message is clear: "Those parking illegally will be fined."

He said police launched the campaign in response to public concerns: “Newport police officers are constantly receiving complaints regarding illegal and inconsiderate parking within the city centre and its neighbouring streets.

“Motorists parking illegally are disrupting the flow of traffic and compromising the safety of pedestrians. This has a huge impact on local residents, visitors and businesses.

“We have already handed out seventy parking fines in just two days along High Street and Cambrian Road.

Traffic regulations agreed by Newport City Council, restrict access to the city centre’s streets between 11am and 5.30pm on any day, to both vehicles and bicycles. This means all deliveries must be made outside of these hours.

But business owners say many drivers disregard these rules, making life extremely difficult.

Owner of restaurant Slipping Jimmy’s and market stall Toyarmy, Stephen Reynolds said on some days it was ridiculous with cars parking all day long and sometimes double parking on Market Street.

“It was ridiculous.

“The cars were there from 9am in the morning until 5pm at night, and quite a few times delivery drivers couldn’t get down the street.”

He added that on one occasion a delivery he was expecting could not be made as the driver could not get parked in the street.

“We didn’t end up getting our beer delivery that day,"

Labour councillor Miq-dad Al-Nuiami said: “I constantly have complaints about illegal parking in the city centre and around Newport and the police know of the complaints through us.

“I’m pleased they are trying to do something about it and I hope they maintain it."

Newport buses stopped running down the High Street in December last year, with one of the reasons cited being the increasing number of parked cars along the route.

However, the company have said the issue of illegal parking is not just limited to the city centre.

Operations director of Newport Bus Morgan Stevens said: “As a bus operator we do have issues with car parking in the city centre but for us it’s a bigger problem in the estates.

“It’s been an issue in estates like Duffryn and Ringland where cars have parked in bus stops which has caused issues for drivers.”

Previously, the city centre had controlled bollards in certain streets, which would prevent cars from accessing some of the city centre streets.

However, these are no longer in operation because of technical difficulties and maintenance costs.

A spokesman for Newport City Council said: “The bollards are not necessary for the enforcement of the traffic order which bans vehicles from parking in those roads.

“We would ask drivers to park legally and considerately to make the city centre safer.”