A PERSONAL air raid log which details the 1940 bombing of Newport is to be auctioned in Cardiff on Friday.

Written by Staff Sgt Charles Roebuck, the eight-page record recounts attacks over Newport, Marshfield, Cardiff and as far west as Pembroke Dock.

The log, which was found among Staff Sgt Roebuck’s medals and his military paperwork, covers the period from June to September 1940.

It recounts the moment in August 1940 when three Luftwaffe planes took aim at Admiralty oil tanks - sparking what is believed to have been the UK's largest blaze since the Great Fire of London.

Auctioneer Ben Rogers Jones said: “This log is a fascinating catalogue of one man’s experience of the war.

“Standing as an important piece of World War II history, it reminds us what people endured during 1940 when Germany undertook a relentless bombing campaign.”

On Monday, August 14, 1940, Staff Sgt Roebuck, of the Royal Engineers, wrote: “Marshfield. 5.32 pm.

“Plane appeared out of heavy clouds about 3,000ft nearly over Magazines, manoeuvred about and turned towards Cardiff.

“Anti-aircraft fire from St. Brides started till plane out of range. Plane went towards Cardiff, circled round and came back. Firing started…

“At 5.46pm loud roar of planes heard, and three bombers appeared out of clouds flying in close formation about 5,000ft.

“Anti-aircraft fire followed them a moment later but very poor and shells exploded well behind planes. Anti-aircraft fire was very violent – about 30 rounds fired in two minutes.”

On Tuesday, August 15, 1940, Staff Sgt Roebuck was travelling from Newport to Marshfield.

“Plane suddenly heard – searchlights out… Series of flashes from Newport and five-eight loud explosions in two series,” he wrote. “Action over in 20 secs. All quiet again.”

Staff Sgt Roebuck’s military effects, to be sold as Lot 287, include the log, a 1939-1945 Defence Medal, 1939-1945 Star, The Burma Star, a Burma Star Association pin, a copy of the London Gazette sent On His Majesty’s Service, complete with envelope and letter.

For further information, please contact Mr Rogers Jones on 029 20708125 or 07760 261023.