UPDATE: 3.17pm

Chief Inspector Paul Staniforth said the 26-year-old man arrested on suspicion of possessing an offensive weapon in a public place and affray is currently in police custody.

He said officers were called at 4.44pm yesterday to a report of a disturbance on High Street, Blaina, between individuals on the street and a man inside a property who was reported to be throwing glass bottles from a window.

He said: “We believe the man then left the property in a distressed manner, armed with a bladed weapon and became threatening to individuals outside the address.

“Local officers attended along with firearms officers as a precautionary measure."

He added: “The property was later searched and four Samurai swords were located and recovered.

“This was an isolated incident but increased patrols by local police officers are now taking place in the area to offer public reassurance.

“Officers are continuing to investigate and asking anyone who witnessed the incident or anyone with any information to please contact 101, quoting log: 381 26/07/16.”


A MAN has been arrested after threatening members of the public with a machete in Blaina High Street.

The man was arrested yesterday afternoon and remains in police custody.

A Gwent Police spokesman said: "Police received reports of a male on the street threatening members of the public with what seemed to be a machete.

"Local officers with the help of an armed unit attended the scene and secured the area.

"Subsequently, police have detained one male and recovered four of what can be described as Samurai swords."

South Wales Argus:

(Photo sent in by Joshua Miles. Video by Ashley Evans.)

Hayley Powell, who is the licensee of the nearby pub, The Bush Inn, made the initial call to police.

"I came outside after hearing kids screaming in the street," said Mrs Powell. 

"The man then jumped from the window and then started throwing a lot of abuse to people.

"Then I called the police, who came pretty much straight away.

"The streets were absolutely packed, I've never seen so many people out in the town."

A photo sent in by Jamie Larke of police at the scene yesterday.

South Wales Argus:

Enquiries are ongoing and officers are appealing for any witnesses to call 101 quoting log number 381.