LAST week we featured a picture of the post office on Newport Road, Cwmcarn.

THE photo is of the post office in Cwmcarn. The institute behind it was part of my upbringing. Mr Garnett Humphrey-Jones’ mother was a post mistress at the post office.

She was a true Victorian – god help it if you stepped out of line. She told me off many times. Cwmcarn was full of intellectuals/well-educated people. I would love to go back and ask lots of questions. I’ve had many laughs since seeing this photo.

Keith Harris, Bassaleg

EVEN after 30 six years living in New Zealand, this photo brings back childhood memories. I used to walk from my home in Commercial Road (by The Swan pub) to school a bit further down the road in the early/mid-50s, past the post office, the “stute” (where many an afternoon was spent playing snooker – not a miss-spent youth!), and then Jack Hatfield’s bike shop (where I bought my first bike aged 10 or 12 using money earned cleaning windows).

Can’t see if Park Hall cinema is to the left, but cars suggest it would be – can’t remember when it burned down. Don’t recognise the chap in the PO doorway, though – before the Clark’s time as posties. I still have family in the area, nice memories.

Wynn Jane Evans, New Zealand