AUTHORS, poets and musicians entertained crowds as a popular writing festival returned for a second year.

Talks and writing workshops were given for people of all ages at Abergavenny Writing Festival from Thursday to Saturday last week.

The event, sponsored by estate agent Christie Residential and supported by Literature Wales, was held at the Kings Arms Hotel and Broadleaf Books in Abergavenny over three days and evenings.

All of the events were “well-attended” according to organiser Lucie Parkin, who said: “We had lots of support locally and everybody who came along had a really positive experience. I think people came away feeling that writing is for everybody, which is what we were hoping.”

The festival covers different aspects of writing, from writing a novel, a diary, an article, a poem, a film, a speech, a song or a letter.,

Among the highlights was a songwriting workshop led by singer songwriter Kizzy Crawford on the Saturday at the Kings Arms hotel.

BBC Countryfile magazine editor Fergus Collins and best-selling author Robert Penn were among those to give talks and workshops.

Guardian and Observer arts journalist and Radio 4 documentary maker Jude Rogers also discussed the differences of writing for radio and newspapers.