A NEWPORT born Hollywood actor showed his support for a mental health charity yesterday.

Michael Sheen came to support a fundraiser for Welsh charity Gofal.

At the event Britain’s Got Talent runner up, Nathan Wyburn, created unique portraits of celebrities using coffee. Mr Sheen came to the event in person to sign a portrait of himself which was drawn by Mr Wyburn.

The event was part of a weeklong fundraiser being held by artisan café bar KIN+ILK in Cardiff where the artist created four masterpieces a day from April 24.

Speaking about linking up with Gofal, Mr Wyburn said: “I think it’s important to support and talk about all mental health issues. I think creative people, like myself, can often feel tortured in our own heads and become our own worst enemies - whether that’s professionally or personally. Raising awareness and getting rid of that stigma behind the words ‘mental health’ is a must.”

Alex Jenkins, director of KIN+ILK, said: “Having Nathan showcase his artworks in our Cathedral Road branch and create these original pieces, as well as having a Hollywood superstar pop in, has been very exciting.”

The five day event culminated yesterday with a raffle and the opportunity to purchase Mr Wyburn’s coffee creations with proceeds donated to Gofal.