I’m glad that BrightHouse were ordered to pay back £14.8m to customers this week.

The idea of a rent-to-own sector that offers vital goods for low weekly payments is, on its face, a good one.

But the sky-high interest rates these companies charge make it harder in the long term for people to buy cookers and cots up front next time.

I’m pursuing this issue loudly in Parliament and am putting the pressure on the FCA to consider strong regulation for the sector.

That includes even issues like window displays that have large fonts for low weekly prices and small fine print for the real cost.

This is an important service for many people who can’t just buy vital items at short notice with a snap of their fingers.

That doesn’t mean they deserve to be punished as a result.

Also in Parliament I joined Labour colleagues to meet with the Trustees of the Mineworkers’ Pension Scheme.

Lots of retired miners – my two uncles for example – and their families both in Gwent and across the coalfields want a fairer deal than the one they currently get from the Government. 

The Government has pocketed more than £3bn from the scheme over the years.

Miners fuelled this country for decades and are arguing for a bigger share of the pot they worked towards.

I’ve also asked the Government for a statement in Parliament on this important issue, and am in contact with the NUM over what can be done in future.

Finally, there was an important win for the people who work in our emergency services with Parliament pushing ahead with the Protect the Protectors bill.

The Police Federation has estimated there were over 20,000 attacks on police officers in Gwent during 2015/16.

Attacks on South Wales Fire and Rescue crews are up 158 per cent over the last year.

The people who put themselves in the firing line to keep us safe, and those considering a career in those fields, deserve to know they’ll get the protections they need.

This bill means tougher sentences for anyone who attacks a police officer, firefighter, nurse, paramedic, doctor, another medical professional or anyone helping them with their work.

These are shocking figures, and I was proud to speak in favour of this in Parliament to get our emergency services the support they deserve.