AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL investigation could be launched at a site in Caerleon near to where Roman ruins have previously been discovered.

A Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) has been submitted to Newport City Council for archaeological work to take place at the site in Station Road, Caerleon.

It is being made in relation to a proposed development involving a single storey rear extension, roof extension and alterations to the existing property including a rear balcony, raised patio and new raised side access.

Permission has been granted for the development on the condition of an archaeological investigation taking place to identify any features of archaeological interest.

The development site is located next to the Roman Fortress of Isca Augustus and within Newport’s Archaeologically Sensitive Area in Caerleon.

Less than 20 metres from the site a Roman stone coffin was previously found in Station Road.

Additionally in 2003 an early Roman ditch, possibly relating to the early defences of the Roman fort, was found less than 50 metres from the site.

Roman finds were also found by the Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust nearby in 2006 and further discoveries were made in 2011.

The aim of the investigation, undertaken by Rubicon Heritage Services, will be to establish the presence or absence of remains which could affect the redevelopment plans.

Results will be used to inform any potential need for further archaeological mitigation works in the area.

The archaeological watching brief says: “Upon the discovery of any archaeological remains, a team of suitably qualified archaeologists will investigate and record it by hand.”

Any remains found will be fenced off from the main works being undertaken.

The watching brief adds: “It is intended that the work shall commence at the earliest possible opportunity to enable information gathered to filter into the overall design and planning programme of the proposed construction works.”

It is planned to start the work one week after approval of the WSI.

The proposed development of the single storey rear extension includes “intensive ground disturbance” during the construction of new foundations.

However the proposed raised level patio, currently a lawn area, will lessen the impact of the proposed works on the archaeological resource, the watching brief adds.