Detectives have renewed their appeal for witnesses following a serious sexual assault in Croespenmaen on Monday, September 3.

Gwent Police would like to speak to anyone who was in the vicinity of Kendon Road and Parkway (the B4251, which runs adjacent to Manmoel Road) between the hours of 7.40pm and 8.40pm.

Police would like to hear from anyone who may have seen something suspicious.

Anyone with dash cam footage or CCTV may be able to assist officers with their enquiries.

Police have stressed that this was an isolated incident, and that a team of specialist detectives are working on the investigation.

Extra officers will be patrolling the local area in the coming days and members of the public are encouraged to speak to them if they have any concerns.

If you have any information which could help the police with their enquiries, call 101 quoting log 580 3/9/18.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or visit

In their renewed statement, Gwent Police also reiterated the following safety advice:

• Let someone know where you're going and for how long you’re planning to be out.

• Consider downloading a fitness tracker app on which a trusted family member or friend can trace your movements, just remember to lock your privacy setting from public to private.

• Take your phone out with you and make sure you have your battery charged.

• Plan your route beforehand, taking into account whether it will be a busy or well-lit area.

• Consider running or walking with others if possible.

• If you feel uncomfortable, or at risk, look for a place of safety, such as a shop or anywhere where there are other people and tell someone your concerns.

• Be aware of your surroundings - concentrate on what and who is around you.

• Don’t be distracted by using mobile gadgets and MP3 players. If you are listening to music, if possible use just one headphone so that you are aware of someone approaching you.