A SCHOOL which is nestled right in the heart of the Welsh valleys has proudly spoken of its aim to always put pupils first. TOMOS POVEY reports

GEORGETOWN Primary School, in Tredegar, is surrounded by breathtaking views of Welsh mountains.

The original school building was constructed in 1877. But more than one hundred years later in 1989, two new buildings – one housing an infants and part-time nursery, the other a juniors - were built.

Lisa Thomas, who has been headteacher since last September, said: “I took over from Amanda Hulburt, who was a long-standing member of staff.

“I was thrilled when I discovered that I had been made head teacher of Georgetown.

“It is a lovely and fantastic school. I feel very lucky to be headteacher.

“The joke is when teachers come here they do not move on. We have a lot of teachers who have been here a long, long time because they love it.”

Miss Thomas believes one of the school’s best achievements is the pupils achieving highly as a result of excellent teaching.

“We are a green school,” she said. “This is fantastic.

"The teachers give their 100 per cent commitment to pupils. Our pupils do very well.

“As a headteacher, it is a pleasure to be at a place where the wellbeing is as important as the academic side of things.”

For the head teacher, the most important aspect to school life is to always put pupils first – which is something that Georgetown School excels in.

“When you go around the school, you will see that we are all a real community,” she said.

“We are a community of staff and pupils. They all have close bonds.

“Teaching can be difficult at times but it is a very rewarding job.

“For us, it is most important for every pupil to be put first. We want our pupils to have fun and succeed. This is possible for all our pupils.”

She added: “One of the ways we ensure pupils are put first is through the School Council.

“Members are voted in by pupils in each class. I go to the council and share with them priorities which can be improved. Then they divide an action plan to help us make a success.

“For instance, we recognised that pupils needed to eat healthier and the pupils organised a healthy tuck shop.

“The importance with these sorts of schemes it that pupils are made to feel that it is their school and that they can help make it an even better place to be. Putting pupils first is what we excel at.”

The school also plays an enormous role in the community and has many achievements it can boast of.

“We have close relations with Tredegar Orpheus and other places,” she said.

“Another place where we have a good relationship is at Woffington House, which is a care home.

“We have an intergenerational project running with the care home. The pupils go there and will sit with the residents and show them how to use an iPad for instance. They will show them how to look up their favourite music.

“There is a lot of interaction between them.

“We do baking in there and the residents also come to visit us here. It is a wonderful idea. We will be making a video next week on the importance of this sort of project.”

She added: “We also have a new curriculum and this will give us another opportunity for us to shine even more.”

The head teacher said that in 10 years’ time, she hopes the school will be as successful as it is now.

“It is a good school and it needs to be recognised for its excellence practice,” said Miss Thomas.

“The biggest achievement is that we have created a culture where everyone is happy and the pupils are put first.

“The focus is not just on academic studies, but also on well-being. We allow our pupils to become confident and give them the tools to succeed.”

For more information on the school, visit the website www.georgetownprimary.co.uk/

Alternatively, you can ring 01495 717341.