To be a good parent it is essential to develop your psychic abilities.

Children are constantly amazed at their parent's apparent ability to know the unknowable.

How is it that, when they were the only one in the room, mum knows it was them who drew on the walls?

How is it that when they complain their brother has hit them dad knows that it was because they hit their brother first?

How is it that mum knows exactly where their football socks are when they haven't been able to find them? "They are in your sock drawer" you shout!

How is it that dad knows you are hiding behind the door, giggling loudly?

How is it that mum knows you haven't had a bath, just splashed water on your face for 10 seconds then gone to bed?

How is it that they know, just by checking to see if your toothbrush is wet, whether you have made any attempt to clean your teeth?

The list is endless, unfortunately, after a while they find out how you do it, but it's fun while it lasts.

And on the subject of being psychic, how does the rain know when your washing machine has just finished it's spin cycle and what time you leave the house to pick the kids up from school?