SOCIAL housing tenants in Torfaen have been struggling to keep up with their rent since Universal Credit was introduced in the area, it has been revealed.

Bron Afon has revealed that, as of the start of December 2018, tenants claiming Universal Credit were £74,000 in arrears.

The new system, which replaces six other benefits including housing benefit and jobseeker's allowance, was fully introduced in Torfaen in July 2017.

Ian Simpson, Bron Afon’s director of community housing and support, said: “We have 1,433, or 18 per cent, of our tenants claiming Universal Credit as of December 3, 2018.

“Unfortunately, this has added £74,000 of arrears from the point that they first claimed Universal Credit.

“This is an average of £67 per tenant which would not have otherwise arisen."

By early December, the Universal Credit service had been introduced across the entirety of Wales.

Through the system, payments reduce gradually the more someone earns, meaning claimants can work limited hours without fear of seeing their benefits suddenly stop entirely.

However, the introduction of the system has been system has been plagued with problems, with some claimants waiting weeks for their first payment.

But Mr Simpson said he believed the housing association had been "relatively successful in helping tenants manage the change compared to other areas".

“This is because we are fortunate to be part of an effective partnership led by Torfaen Council to mitigate the impact of the government’s welfare reforms," he said.

“We have been getting our tenants ready ahead of the introduction of Universal Credit and providing support every step of the way.”

Problems have not been limited to Torfaen. At a Caerphilly Council meeting in December, it was revealed that more than half of Universal Credit claimants living in the county borough are struggling with rent payments.

Councillors were told that “over 50 per cent” of the 400 council tenants that had applied for the new benefits system were already in rent arrears since it was introduced into the area.

But the UK Government's work and pensions secretary Amber Rudd has continued to back the scheme.

She said: “Universal Credit is working for the vast majority of people, and in Wales we’ve seen almost 200,000 more people move into work since 2010. However, I will continue to monitor closely and make improvements where needed.”

Support is available for Bron Afon tenants via 01633 620111 or on