LOVE your community week is coming up, with a Volunteering Fair being hosted by Resilient Communities West Hub (RCWH).

The organisation, RCWH, supports people from the West area of Newport, which includes: Castleton, Duffryn, Gaer, Maesglas, Marshfield and Rogerstone.

The Volunteering Fair will be at Maesglas Community Centre on Wednesday, January 23, 11am-3pm.

The Fair will be a fantastic opportunity to celebrate volunteering, which helps many to boost their confidence and self-esteem whilst gaining valuable skills and helping others.

More than 20 organisations have already confirmed their attendance, including: St David’s Hospice, Age Cymru, South Wales Fire Service, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Newport City Homes.

The RCWH team are hoping members of the local community will get involved, finding out what volunteering options are out there, and give something back.

Strong Resilient Communities is one of five interventions in Newport’s Wellbeing Plan 2018-23 with key priorities including: people to feel part of their community and have a sense of wellbeing; long and healthy lives for all and to drive up skills for economic and social wellbeing.

In the next five years an overarching volunteering programme for Newport will be developed and promoted to enable people to volunteer and foster community resilience.

For more information, phone: 01633 815826.

You can find RCWH on Facebook at: