A POT of £85 million is being ploughed into building more social homes in Wales, as well as roadworks and helping councils prepare for the impact of a possible no-deal Brexit.

The Welsh Government announced an extra £50 million is being made available to build 650 more social homes in Wales, as well as create 1,000 new jobs in the construction industry. Meanwhile, £5 million will be put towards roadworks, £20 million to councils in Wales and £10 million for strengthening the Welsh economy.

Announcing the new cash, finance minister Rebecca Evans said: “The risks associated with a no-deal Brexit have not gone away.


"It is our duty as a responsible government to prepare – as far as possible – for all outcomes.

“The £85 million funding package will fund a range of projects that can be delivered quickly in year, providing economic benefits which are aligned to our priorities and can stimulate wider economic demand at a time when it is needed most.

“While we are taking practical steps to prepare for a no-deal Brexit, I want to be absolutely clear – a no-deal Brexit would be hugely damaging to Wales and its economy.”