DOUBLE yellow lines could be removed on several roads in Blaenau Gwent, with some also added, after the council takes over parking enforcement.

Council officials say they have already received a number of requests to review traffic orders across the borough ahead of the takeover from Gwent Police on Monday, July 1.

Two civil parking enforcement officers will be employed, initially targeting priority areas such as town centres and school sites.

But concerns have been raised that changes to where people can park have not already been implemented.

Councillors were told on Wednesday that requests to review orders will be considered after the council takes over enforcement responsibilities, as there has not been time before.

But councillor Lisa Winnett said she had raised the issue over one year ago – and had been told changes would be made before.


Cllr Winnett said she had concerns the changes could be a ‘hindrance’ to town centres, and areas where people would have no where else to park.

“My concern is going forward with this when we need to be looking at our streets,” Cllr Winnett said.

“A lot of our streets were built before we even had vehicles.

“We are going to be fining residents for parking on double yellow lines when they have got no where else to park.”

Cllr Hedley McCarthy said it would be “totally unfair” to fine people for parking on double yellow lines in areas which were in dispute.

The council is required by law to consult on any proposed changes to traffic orders.

Council officer Alun Evans said the authority intended to review requests for changes after July 1.

“As much as we would have liked to look at individual traffic orders we just did not have the time to do that,” Mr Evans said.

“There are over 1,000 traffic orders in Blaenau Gwent and to take an order by order review would not have given us the time to deliver Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) in the required timescale.”

Mr Evans said he expects there will be “quite a lot of orders changed” following the review.

Cllr Lyn Elias said there were also some areas where double yellow lines needed to be added, but questioned whether the council had enough resources to implement the required changes.

Warning notices will be issued to motorists parked illegally during the first two weeks of CPE in Blaenau Gwent.