MOST parents don't understand a lot of today's slang.

If you have teenage children, chances are they litter their speech with ever-evolving words and phrases you just don't understand.

But while it may be perplexing for mums and dads, young people attaching their own meaning to words is nothing new. Take the word 'cool', for example - most people nowadays accept that if something is 'cool' it's laid-back or stylish, although before 'cool' became the keyword of the 1950's Beat generation, it usually meant something was on the chilly side.

"Slang is, by definition, just informal language," said Jennifer Dorman, from the

language app Babbel

. "Adolescents are generally the primary drivers of language change - they're more daring and creative with regards to language, and they innovate much more than speakers in other age brackets."

Babbel says that such language creativity is part of a teenager's cognitive development, which sees them asserting their independence from their family and forging strong social connections with peers.

So when a teenager uses a slang term in the correct context, it shows their affiliation with a specific group.

But if you're not part of the gang and are 'just' a parent, or any other bemused adult, you may need help translating teenage slang.

We have some of the most popular teen slang and their meanings below. Do you know any we have missed out?

  • Finsta: Fake/Fun Instagram

This term was originally used to refer to a fake Instagram account, which would be used for posts you don't want your parents or other people to see. The meaning has grown to include any secondary or fake thing, like a second Twitter or Snapchat account.

  • Cancelled: No longer relevant

An Americanism frequently used when speaking about celebrities who're considered no longer relevant, or have said or done something unacceptable. It can also refer to other things - from a fashion trend through to an emotion. It's thought the term is a direct result of 'subscription culture', where anything can be cancelled at the click of a button.

  • On read: Opened, but not responded

This typically refers to a message that's been seen, but not responded to. It's often seen as being a snub or an insult - "He was annoying me, so I left him on read." You might be surprised by how much slang refers to texting, but the reality is that teens are addicted to their phones - a Babbel survey found that in the UK, 44 per cent of teens use their phones while on the toilet.

  • Tea: Juicy gossip

This is one of many current popular slang terms that originally came from black LGBTQ ball culture, eventually co-opted by Gen Z. When someone asks you to "spill the tea," they're asking for juicy gossip.

  • Mood: Something that's relatable, or a form of agreement

This doesn't refer to teenagers being moody. Instead, this is a term used to confirm something is relatable, or reflective of your own state. For example, commenting "such a mood" on a sad meme would mean that you agree with the image and feel the same.

  • Flex: Showing off

If you're flexing, you're showing off. And a 'flex' is a power move, whether you've earned the right to make one or not. It may be posting a picture of a new watch to Instagram, boasting about a new phone, or talking a big game at a party. A 'flex' over something strange or awkward often prompts the phrase "weird flex, but okay".

  • Shook: Shaken, surprised

If someone is 'shook', they're shaken (or shooketh) to their core (and they're probably exaggerating for dramatic effect).

  • Stan: To approve or endorse

To 'stan' something or someone is to endorse or approve of them - usually celebrities. The slang is a reference to the Eminem song Stan, about an overly committed fan.

  • Bare: Very

'Bare' is used to add emphasis. If something is described as "bare good", then you'd assume it's excellent. It can also be used to imply there's a lot of something. In this instance you might say "bare people".

  • Peng: Good, great, or, when referring to an individual, good-looking

'Peng' is used to describe things that are of good quality, including people. For example, someone may say "Tommy off Love Island is peng", or "I could go for a peng Nando's tonight."

  • Drip: Awesome, fashionable or sexy

To "drip" or be "dripping" is, perhaps surprisingly, a compliment. If a teenager says you are "drip", take it as a compliment - they are telling you you are dripping with style.

  • Fire: Something, usually an object rather than an individual, that is impressive or desirable

Teenagers have a lot of slang to refer to things that are good, and "fire" - often used interchangeably with "lit" - is another example. Try telling a teenager "Lil Nas' new track is fire."

  • Finna: Going to

Short for 'fixing to', 'finna' is best thought of as a synonym for 'gonna'. For example: "If they hire you on the spot, that job finna be terrible."

  • Beef: To be engaged in an argument/have a disagreement

To 'have beef' is to have an argument with someone, or to be holding a grudge against them. If someone's fallen out with a friend, they might say they "have beef" or be "beefing" with them.

  • Allow: Stop it, don't do that/I don't want to

Contrary to the standard dictionary definition of 'allow', the slang version is used to express a negative opinion or an unwillingness to do something. The phrase "allow that" is often used to say no to something, or express annoyance. For example, if you ask a teenager to pick up the shopping, you'll probably get "allow that" as a response, indicating they don't want to.