STARGAZERS in Gwent can scan the skies for partial lunar eclipse tonight, if clear weather and conditions hold up.

It begins (9.01pm) before moonrise, but it is likely to be most visible as it approaches and reaches its maximum, the latter being at 10.30pm.

The event is particularly special as the date coincides with the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 launching on its moon mission.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth, sun, and moon are almost exactly in line and the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun.

The moon is full, moves into the shadow of the Earth and dims dramatically but usually remains visible, lit by sunlight that passes through the Earth’s atmosphere.

South Wales Argus:

According to the Royal Astronomical Society, at 10.30pm about 60 per cent of the visible surface of the moon will be covered by the umbra - which can sometimes appear red in colour to people observing from the ground, due to a more powerful atmospheric scattering of blue light hitting the surface.

You’re looking for anywhere that has a low unobstructed horizon, no tall buildings and trees in the way,” said Dr Morgan Hollis from the Royal Astronomical Society.“Unlike a solar eclipse it’s entirely safe to watch a lunar eclipse with the naked eye, so this one is fine, you don’t need any special equipment and it should be fairly warm as well, given temperatures recently, it should be good if the weather is clear and the conditions are clear.”