PLANS to replace “out-of-date” accommodation with new flats to support older people in an area of Newport have been lodged with the council.

Melin Homes wants to knock down 39 bedsits and flats in Tredegar Court, Marion Street, to make way for modern day sheltered accommodation for people aged over 55.

Under the plans 47 new one and two-bedroom flats would be built, with the development also including a staff room, communal lounge, reception area and 29 car parking spaces.

The development would consist entirely of affordable housing for over 55s, with 41 one-bedroom flats and six two-bedroom flats, according to an application submitted to Newport City Council.

Another block of Tredegar Court with 29 flats would remain though, with residents of these homes eventually sharing a communal courtyard once completed.

The plans were changed by Melin Homes after residents criticised previous proposals to refurbish the existing block at a public exhibition in July of last year.


A design and access statement says concerns included “the overly modern design” and loss of green space.

The feedback prompted “a complete rethink”, with the revised scheme addressing overlooking issues and providing more green space.

A planning statement says: “The accommodation proposed will create an inclusive community with a support network for elderly residents which are often isolated in their homes.

“The proposal will also ‘free up’ existing houses, which will reduce the housing demand within the locality.”

The development will also be “dementia friendly”, with gardens designed to provide calm environments and provide a sensory experience.

A working garden will provide residents the chance to grow vegetables and flowers, with a greenhouse and tool shed provided.

Those with impaired mobility will also be supported, with two mobility scooter stores including charging points, provided on the site.

A planning statement says the current building, built in the 1970s, is vacant and boarded up in anticipation of the plans.

Melin Homes says the scheme represents a “high quality redevelopment” and “significant investment” in the area.

The application is expected to be considered by Newport council planners in the coming weeks.