DOZENS have pupils from Monmouth's three secondary schools have become potential life savers after giving blood.

Monmouth Comprehensive School, Monmouth School for Girls, and Monmouth School for Boys all signed up to a new campaign encouraging youngsters to roll up their sleeves and give blood to help patients in need across the country.


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At last week’s donation day in Monmouth, every available appointment was booked up, with 59 pupils, parents, and staff making donations. A further 13 blood donors signed up to the Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry.

Jessica Miles, headmistress of Monmouth School for Girls, praised the students, saying: “We know young people make a positive difference in many ways and for this reason it’s vital that young people know about the importance of giving blood. Every blood donation can potentially save up to three lives, so collectively our pupils have potentially saved hundreds of lives in Wales.”

Alan Prosser, of the Welsh Blood Service, thanked the donors for their “fantastic commitment and great community spirit”.