A THIRD of pregnant teenagers in Wales are still smoking throughout their pregnancy - double the national average - with Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Wales and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) calling for urgent specialist support

The latest figures from the Welsh Government reveal teenage mums-to-be are the most likely to smoke and to continue to smoke whilst pregnant, with 30 per cent of 16 to 19-year-olds smoking at the time of their baby’s birth, and 33 per cent at their initial assessment.

This compares to 16 per cent of all pregnant women across Wales who smoke throughout pregnancy, and 18 per cent recorded as being a smoker at their initial assessment.

Smoking rates were lowest among women aged 40-44, with just nine per cent smoking through pregnancy.

Meanwhile, 16 per cent of 25-29 year-olds smoked at the time of their baby’s birth.

Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage by more than 25 per cent, doubles the chances of a stillbirth and increases the risk of the baby being born with a heart defect by 50 per cent.

Despite campaigns to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking whilst pregnant, there has been limited change in prevalence figures over the past few years.

Tobacco action group ASH Wales says the latest figures - from Wales's 2018 maternity and birth statistics, highlight the need for targeted support for teenage mums and increased education on the dangers of smoking whilst pregnant.

“It is clear that these young mums-to-be need more support to help them quit this highly addictive habit," said ASH Wales chief executive Suzanne Cass.

"We know quitting smoking can be very tough, particularly for vulnerable teenagers facing the challenge of pregnancy and motherhood at a young age.

“These pregnant teenagers need specialist 'stop smoking' services, tailored to their needs and delivered in the communities in which they live.

"In addition, the life-threatening effects of smoking to an unborn child and the dangers of secondhand smoke should be embedded into the education of teenagers across Wales.”

South Wales Argus:

Facts about smoking while pregnant

The RCM is backing ASH Wales’ call for more specialist stop smoking services for pregnant women in Wales, with director for Wales Helen Rogers saying: “Smoking in pregnancy can have a significant and serious impact on the developing baby. Babies born to those who smoke in pregnancy are more likely to be born prematurely and have a low birth weight.

“Stopping smoking in early pregnancy can almost entirely prevent adverse effects, yet too many maternity services are without a stop smoking specialist midwife in their team.

"Given that smoking is a marker of inequality, the RCM believes that specialist stop smoking services should reflect the local need and must be offered by all Health Boards with maternity services in Wales.”

Across Wales, nine per cent of 15-16 year-olds smoke at least once a week - a figure which has remained unchanged since 2013/14 - and more than 11,000 children still take up smoking in Wales every year.

Prevalence is highest among the poorest teens with 46 per cent of year 11 students from the most deprived families first trying a cigarette aged 13 or younger compared to 34 per cent of the most affluent.

ASH Wales is calling for more to be done to prevent young people from taking up the habit – a move which would mean less teenagers smoking during pregnancy.

“In Wales a classroom’s worth of young people continue to take up smoking every day and those that take up the habit earlier in life are the most likely to become heavy smokers later in life and the least likely to quit,” said Ms Cass.

“It is crucially important that we break these cycles of health inequality by putting measures in place to stop the teenagers of today from becoming the hardened lifelong smokers of tomorrow and endangering the health of their families.”

For advice and support to stop smoking, visit ash.wales/who-can-help-me