PLANS to allow two park homes and up to four touring caravans on a site in a Monmouthshire village have been backed for approval, despite objections.

The proposed development on land to the north of the A48 in Crick would meet the needs of a traveller family, with a lack of council provision for such accommodation in the county.

Touring pitches would allow for wider family gatherings, while one park home would provide accommodation for the applicant’s family, with the other for his elder son and their family.

But the proposals have been met with objections from residents and from Caerwent, Shirenewton and Mathern Community Councils.

The proposals go against planning policy which says new build developments in areas of open countryside should not normally be allowed.


Caerwent Community Council says the appearance of the development will be “out of keeping with the character of Crick’s small village which has several listed buildings.”

Mathern council has also raised concerns over the impact of the proposed caravans and homes on the “character and distinctiveness” of Crick.

“The proposed development would not be in keeping with the vernacular of houses within the village, many of which are of a significant age and heritage,” its objection says.

“The mix of modern park homes, masonry utility blocks and caravans would significantly impact the visual amenity of the village especially in such a rural setting in a prominent location.”

Shirenewton council has called for a “more suitable location” to be offered, raising significant concerns over highways safety on the A48, with caravans slowing to access the site.

But Monmouthshire council’s highways team has no objection.

It says the site has sufficient visibility leading onto the A48, and that it would not lead to an increase in traffic which would be “significantly detrimental to highway safety.”

The applicant and his family, currently living in a two-storey home in Caldicot, have also been identified as being in need of such accommodation “as a result of cultural aversion to conventional housing.”

“The applicant has advised the family’s current accommodation is contrary to their cultural beliefs and traditional way of life, which is in turn is having a detrimental impact on his and his family’s health and well being,” a council report says.

Planning officers have recommended approval, taking into account the family’s specific housing need and human rights, and the lack of council provision for such accommodation.

Monmouthshire council’s planning committee will decide the application at a meeting on Tuesday February 4.