HERE'S what was making headlines in the Argus 100 years ago today, February 28, 2020:

Newport Mayor's salary

£1,000 asked for

Equivalent to halfpenny rate

Starving European children

The question of the salary of the Mayor of Newport (Mr Peter Wright) who speaking at Cardiff recently, said that he had already spent what had been voted to him and that not a damn cent was coming in was discussed at a meeting of the Newport Trades and Labour Council on Friday.

Mr F Quick said the Mayor had applied for and increase of salary. He had a large heart: he was extremely wishful to do everything to help the children.

He was very anxious now to send relief to the starving children of Central Europe.


The Finance Committee had turned the application down. He (Mr Quick) intended moving at the Town Council meeting that the Mayor's salary be increased by £1,000. The Mayor would like to see that the money came from the ratepayers for the object mentioned. It would mean a halfpenny rate.

Mr T J Cantwell disagreed entirely with the idea of increasing the Mayor's salary. He sympathised with the poor children abroad, but there were starving people in Newport.

Why should not the money be contributed for the poor children in a proper way? What guarantee was there that the increased salary would not be used for the Development Association or some similar purpose?

He recalled a former Mayor whose salary was £450, but spent about £2,000. Could not some of the children be brought to Newport and cared for? The Mayor was being advertised all round, and he saw that 'Tit-Bits' was doing it. (laughter)

Mr Quick: You are advertising him all right, Tom. (laughter)

Mr Rosser Davies deprecated personalities. He supported the increase. There was no comparison between poor people in Newport and the starving children abroad.

Mr J P Whitehead urged that the matter should be dealt with on principle, and they should exclude personalities. It would be a very worthy action to send relief for the starving children.

Mr A Con thought that the thousand pounds could be raised without adopting the course recommended by Mr Quick.

A member: Why could not the Mayor, who is a member of the Trades Council, come here himself, instead of asking someone else to bring it forward?

Mr W Cadogan considered that the Mayor had proved himself an ideal Chief Magistrate, and he was highly praised.

Mr Cantwell submitted that the Mayor should cease hobnobbing with those who were opposed to the cause of Labour.

A member: Will the thousand pounds remain the permanent mayoral salary?

Mr Quick, and other members: No.

A proposal objecting to the increase was defeated by 38 to 20 voters.


"Banker" - At Blackwood on Friday, David J Williams, 23, Joseph Faux, 16, James Guest, 16, Samuel Woolley, 19, Clifford Hillier, 14, Ynysddu colliers, were summoned for gaming with cards.

PC Bailey said he saw defendants playing 'banker', and he caught Williams. He picked up money off the ground where they were playing. Defendants were each fined 40s.