IF YOU hear the thundering noise of a helicopter's blades cutting through the sky at five hundred rotations per minute today, don't be alarmed.

The country is not suddenly at war - but the Royal Air Force will be carrying out pre-planned "essential training", over the skies of Gwent, the police said.

It is not clear what type of helicopter will be used, nor is it clear at what point during the day we can expect to see them flying over, but they will be military-grade.

Gwent Police, posting on their social media pages said: "Have an interest in helicopters?

"If you look up at the sky either today or tomorrow, you may catch the brief glimpse of Royal Air Force helicopters."

If you spot one, take a picture and send it in below using the widget underneath!

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"They will be flying across our force area carrying out pre-planned essential training.

"There is no need to be alarmed."