FOR young people across Gwent, the coronavirus lockdown meant not being able to see their beloved grandparents.

So, on our Facebook page, we asked you to send in messages and pictures from young people to their grandparents saying how much they are missing them during the lockdown - and the response we received was incredible.

Here are just a few of the pictures and messages we received. If you sent a message in and it isn't included don't be disappointed - we received so many we can't feature them all at once, but we will feature every message and picture we received in the coming weeks and days.

South Wales Argus:

We miss our 93-year-old 'great bampy Mogs', We are staying away to keep you safe, but we cannot wait to see you soon. Lots of love Lucian and Abel Walker.

South Wales Argus:

To nanny and bampi Chiummo. I am missing you both so much, hope to see you soon. Lots of love Leo.

South Wales Argus:

To all Our nannies and grandads/grampys, we love you lots, and we can’t wait for plenty of cuddles and sleepovers very soon! Love Lily-Mae, Isla-Rose and Ivy-Willow.

South Wales Argus:

I miss my nanny Sally and gangan Brian very much, can't wait to give you both a big cwtch. Love Isla.

South Wales Argus:

To nana and gaga, I miss you so much! I can’t wait for you take me and pick me up from school again, play silly games, put on shows and have sleepovers. Mama doesn’t let me get away with as much as you do! I love you lots and lots! Emily.

South Wales Argus:

Ceri-Anne Hughes said: “This is a picture of nanny and grampy last year with all their grandkids. All the children are missing seeing them and I know nanny and grampy are missing hugs and kisses as well. We cannot wait till this is over so we can have a big family garden BBQ and all get together. We miss you!!”

South Wales Argus:

To nanny Maggie and bampi Des, nanny Kay and bampi Berky, nanny Sue and nanny Lynda! We miss you loads can’t wait to squeeze you! Love you millions from Paige and Rogann.

South Wales Argus:

To all our grandparents and great grandparents, we miss you and send you a cwtch! Love Bobby and Hugo x

South Wales Argus:

To nanny Kim, nanny Butler and great nan Gloria. We love and miss you all. See you soon.

South Wales Argus:

We all miss you lots nan and can’t wait to be able to come over and give you a big kiss and cuddle. Love Grace, Jack, Lacey, Olivia and Sienna.

South Wales Argus:

We are really missing you nana and gransha. We can’t wait to come and see you again. We are missing nana’s cooking! Stay Safe. We love you lots, Theo, Francesco and Susie May.

South Wales Argus:

To all our lovely nannies and bampi’s, We miss you so much, we are safe at home but can’t wait to see you all! Love you all lots and lots. Love Jacob, Charlie and Archie.

South Wales Argus:

Our Grandsons, Gabriel and Thomas. We love you millions. Miss you very very much. Gran and grancha.

South Wales Argus:

Lily-Mae, Ethan, Benjamin and Eira miss their Nan and Granchie terribly!! They go to their nan's house almost every day after school and Nan and Granchie look after Benjamin and Eira whilst their mummy and daddies go to work. They all said, “We love and miss you nan and granchie, can’t wait for cuddles.

South Wales Argus:

My name is Claire White and I moved back to Spain to live last year with my son's Harrison White and Keaton White. My dad Brian and mum Shiela are both under shielding and we worry and miss them so much!!!!

South Wales Argus:

To Nannie and Gogs and Nannie and Grancha, We miss you so much and can't wait to give you the biggest cuddles. Love from Blake and Kody.

South Wales Argus:

Rosa Farley, 5, from Newport said: "I miss my nanny and bampi so much, they are my best friends."

South Wales Argus:

Darcie Taylor: “I ask is the flu gone every day and I ask not to go near but maybe just enough to hold their hands.”I ask is the flu gone every day and I ask not to go near but maybe just enough to hold their hands. I cannot wait to spend Friday nights raiding nanny's secret chocolate stash and going on the back of my bampys bike again soon. I know you miss me, but I miss you more."

South Wales Argus:

Nevaeh Walker, six, who “misses her nannies and grandad so much”.

South Wales Argus:

To my nanna, I haven’t seen you for weeks now, but I miss you and love you so much! I can’t wait to give you lots of kisses and show you how much of a big girl I am now. Love from Cassie.

South Wales Argus:

Ruby and Evan Mellon would like to say hello to their Nanny and Grancha Norville and Nanny and Bampi Mellon and that they cant wait to see them to give them a kiss and a BIG cwtch. X

South Wales Argus:

Alex Husselbee who will be celebrating his 15th birthday on April 28 and his little sister Jessica who will be one next month are desperately missing their Nannie and Bampie Sophie (Sandra and David Husselbee) so much and very much look forward to seeing them for a very big cuddle and belated birthday celebrations when it is safe to do so.

Some of the other messages we've received: