COMET Neowise soared over Gwent last night as clear conditions provided stargazers with ample opportunity to spot the spectacular event.

The comet, which was discovered in late March, will continue to be visible throughout July.

And though its closest approach to earth will come on Thursday, July 23, these photographs have brilliantly captured its stunning effect.

South Wales Argus:

(Andrew Perkins captured the comet.)

South Wales Argus:

(Andrew Perkins captured the comet dancing across the sky.)

South Wales Argus:

(Steve Binns snapped the comet in a picturesque setting.)

South Wales Argus:

(The comet hangs over Caerleon AFC's clubhouse. Picture: Steve Binns)

South Wales Argus:

(The comet flies past a residential area. Picture: Steve Binns)

South Wales Argus:

(The comet flies past the post for three points... Picture: Steve Binns)

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The comet survived its closest approach to the sun late last week and is now making its way closer to Earth before it is expected to return to the outer solar system, according to NASA.

The space agency said the comet has become one of the few “naked-eye comets” of the 21st century after it “suddenly” became visible this week.

“Word spread quickly, and the comet has already been photographed behind many famous sites and cities around the globe,” NASA said in the caption of a photo of Comet NEOWISE passing over Lebanon on Sunday.

Although the future brightness of the comet “remains somewhat uncertain” because there’s still a chance it may break apart and therefore dim, NASA said the comet is likely to continue to be visible in the early morning sky this week and in the early evening sky next week.

For the best chance of seeing it you should find a relatively clear area with low light pollution and few buildings or trees blocking the view.

What is a comet?

Comets are "cosmic snowballs of frozen gases, rock and dust that orbit the Sun", leftover from the formation of the solar system, according to NASA.

Their size can range from a few miles wide to tens of miles wide - but as they orbit closer to the sun, they heat up and spew gases and dust into a glowing head that can be larger than a planet.

As these substances stream off the comet, they form a spectacular gas and dust cloud that tails behind them for millions of miles - and can often be seen from earth with the naked eye.