LIBERAL Democrat councillor Jo Watkins will contest the Monmouth seat at the Senedd election next year.

Cllr Watkins is the Liberal Democrat Group Leader on Monmouthshire County Council, having won her seat in Caldicot against the odds in 2017.

She is a mother of two school aged children, runs her own small business, and took on the running of Caldicot foodbank at the start of Covid-19, as many volunteers had to isolate.

She says she is passionate about education and has a particular focus on supporting increased nursery provision and wrap-around-care, as well getting children access to special educational needs provision.

Commenting on her selection, Cllr Watkins set out her plans to further environmental causes in Monmouthshire and nationally.

"I am honoured to have been selected to stand for Monmouth at next year’s Senedd election," she said.


“The climate emergency threatens our way of life with extreme weather events, such as the flooding, affecting so many people this winter. We need a strong environmental voice in the Senedd to protect our children’s future.

“I intend to build on Kirsty Williams’ excellent work in education and take our transformative liberal approach to helping young people as they go on to apprenticeships, further and higher education.

“I want to enable Wales to become a world leader in the green technological revolution that is coming - and help rebuild our society and economy from the ground up.”

Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds added: "I am really proud to have Jo join the growing ranks of Welsh Lib Dem candidates for Senedd election next year."