A SIGNPOST from a campsite north of Monmouth, which went missing after washing up around 40 miles downstream in Portishead during Storm Dennis, has been found five months later.

The post, which was originally located near Biblins Rope Bridge on the banks of the river Wye, was found by members of Turn the Tide Portishead, a group of volunteers aiming to keep their beaches clear of plastic pollution.

In a post to their Facebook page back in February, the group said: "Unfortunately, due to the intense flooding of the River Wye, we appear to have gained another item from the Symonds Yat direction."

The aim was then to return the wayward waymarker to its original location for repairs. However, things became more complicated when the post vanished a few days after washing ashore.

An appeal was launched but, until now, nothing had come of it.

That was until Dave Peacey was looking through a list of houses for sale in the Portishead area and spotted something unusual in one of the gardens.


"Remembering our story and appeal, he got in touch with Turn The Tide to alert us to the location of the sign," said Alex McKie of Turn the Tide Portishead.

The sign had been removed from the beach by Tim and Diane Johnson of Black Nore Point.

"They hadn't seen our appeal for the sign," said Miss McKie.

"They took it off the beach to make sure it wasn't chopped up for firewood and placed it in their garden in the meantime."

The team at Turn the Tide Portishead reunited the sign with the owners of the Biblins Youth Campsite over the weekend.

"They hope to have it back in position at Biblins Bridge soon and can't believe they have it back after all this time," said Miss McKie.

"It's the power of social media, and a happy ending for the sign post that has travelled more than most of us this year."