ARTISTS and filmmakers from the Wye Valley have the chance to create work to celebrate the River Wye and its spectacular landscape as part of a revamped annual festival.

The re-imagined Wye Valley River Festival will take place from September, 21-27.

Previously the festival has worked with local communities to bring art, performances and events to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

However, the coronavirus pandemic has meant plans have evolved for 2020, with event organisers re-imagining the festival so that it can be experienced through podcasts, films, workshops and livestream sessions, with some live installations.

As part of the celebrations a number of different competitions and awards to encourage local artists, filmmakers and the wider community to get involved have been launched. One of these is the Creativity Award for Young Artists and Creators.


The festival is looking for submissions from individual artists or groups, young artists and filmmakers who live, work, train or attend education in the Wye Valley, in any digital medium, on the theme ‘Wye Valley Inspiration'.

The award will see up to four young artists and filmmakers win the opportunity to have their digital content premiered at the festival, as well as receive £400 in prize money.

As much of this year’s Wye Valley River Festival will be happening indoors, organisers are encouraging people to bring the woodland landscape inside their homes.

Organisers are calling on people of any age to create a magical woodland window display in their own home to be shown during the weeklong festival.

To get involved, share a picture of your creation by using the #wyewoodlandwindows on Facebook and Instagram.

Phillippa Haynes, Festival Director, said: "Our local artists and communities are important to the festival and despite enforced distancing, we are keen to get them involved in the festival programme so we have launched these three different initiatives.

"While it’s going to be a very different festival to previous years, we hope our re-imagined festival will excite, challenge and engage with festivalgoers just as it has done in previous years.”

To find out more about the festival, visit