WOULD you dare to visit the most haunted places in Gwent? 

Newport and the surrounding areas have their fair share of dark and ghostly tales, from parades of nuns to murdered monks and the Monmouthshire Chartists. 

These are the most haunted places in and around the county, visit if you scare:

Tredegar House, Duffryn

South Wales Argus:

Tredegar House. Picture: www.christinsleyphotography.co.uk

Billed as one of the most haunted properties in Britain, Tredegar House just off J28 on the M4 is reported to be a ghost haven. 

There are numerous reported sightings of parades of nuns marching through what is now the inner courtyard of The Brewhouse.

A spooky grey nun is often seen stood, staring, at the top of the stairs inside the house and figures can be seen in the sunken garden. 

Skirrid Mountain Inn, Abergavenny

South Wales Argus:

One of the most active locations for poltergeists in Wales is the Skirrid Mountain Inn.

Just over a year ago a cloaked ghost was seen by the beer delivery man Mr Spencer, who said he "felt a presence" so had to take out his camera. 

The Skirrid Mountain Inn was notorious for its use as a courtroom in the 17th century.

180 hangings took place within its walls, and a roof beam still bears the marks of the hangman's rope.

Visitors to the Skirrid have reported a strangled feeling, as if a noose is being tightened around their necks.

Shire Hall, Monmouth


Originally built as a Court of Assizes and Quarter Sessions in 1724, the Shire Hall in Monmouth saw many people held in the dirty, dark and disgusting cells awaiting news of their fate. 

The Monmouthshire Chartists who were accused of high treason in after insurrection in Newport were held at the Hall. 

Caldicot Castle, Caldicot

South Wales Argus:

Caldicot Castle. Picture: South Wales Argus Camera Club member Catherine Mayo

Built in 1086 the Grade I Listed castle is said to be have been home to Ladies in Grey and Brown Monks for centuries. 

The medieval castle often holds ghost tours to see the grey ladies walking the grounds, whilst the monks can often be seen and heard chanting.

Tintern Abbey, Tintern

South Wales Argus:

Founded by the Lord of Chepstow in 1131 the Tintern Abbey is nestled on the bank of the River Wye.

The Abbey was ruined during the Dissolution of the Monastries in the 16th Century but still sees around 70,000 visitors a year. 

Infamous for its dark tales the historical Abbey is well-known for its spooky goings on. 

Stories include the Devil himself perching on a nearby rock to lure the monks of the abbey from goodness, modern day reported sightings of knights and robed figures prowling the ruins.

After the Dissolution of the Monsatried under King Henry VII it is said that many monks died prematurely, wanting to stick around they seem to have never left. 

Do you know of more haunted places? Let us know in the comments.