AN ANNOUNCEMENT centred on unpaid or informal carers is expected tomorrow, according to first minister Mark Drakeford.

During the Welsh Government’s coronavirus briefing today, Mr Drakeford announced that there would be a circuit break lockdown taking place between Friday, October 23 from 6pm and Monday, November 9.


He said that all of Wales must stay home unless it was essential to travel. He was asked the question about unpaid carers who were missed off his list of essential workers and whether they would be getting a sum of money as in Scotland.

Mr Drakeford was coy when answering the question, avoiding any form of definitive answer but said that “we would be making an announcement in regards to informal carers tomorrow and I hope that there will be many people tuning in to find out what it is.”

He also confirmed that unpaid or 'informal' carers are classed as essential workers and will be able to continue to travel to provide care if needed.