A FURTHER £110 million in help for businesses that will be affected by the latest round of coronavirus restrictions in Wales, will be confirmed later today.

The money from the Welsh Government will be in addition to the £340m announced at the end of last month.

More details on the new £110m support package will be issued at the Welsh Government's coronavirus briefing, which begins at 12.15pm.

But it is intended to help tens of thousands of firms across Wales, says the Welsh Government.

Hospitality, non-essential retail, tourism, leisure and supply chain businesses will all be eligible for financial assistance.


Wales will enter alert level four - the highest of the new restriction levels here - from Bank Holiday Monday December 28, though the lockdown will in effect begin to kick in on Christmas Eve.

All non-essential retail and 'close contact' services (such as hair salons), and leisure and fitness centres, must close at the end of trading on December 24, and all hospitality businesses, such as pubs and restaurants, must also close, but from 6pm on Christmas Day.

The move to alert level four will follow the 'five days of Christmas', December 23-27 when rules will be relaxed, and a maximum of two households in Wales can gather to celebrate the festive season.

But from December 28, tougher restrictions on staying at home, household mixing, holiday accommodation, and travel will be introduced.

These and the aforementioned measures will be in place until at least January 18, with the situation to be reviewed by ministers every three weeks.

Given the current situation of rising coronavirus case rates across Wales, and concerns about the effect of relaxing restrictions at Christmas however, it is likely that the lockdown will last considerably longer.