A FAMILY from Blackwood are looking forward to celebrating their son’s 21st birthday on New Year’s Day, albeit in lockdown.

Marcia Price gave birth to her son Derri Price on New Year’s Day 2000 - a Millennium baby born at the start of the 21st century - at just 26 weeks pregnant after complications that same day.

She was taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital where she gave birth to her first son, weighing 2lb 2oz - his lowest weight being 1lb 9oz.

Derri was not due until March, so delivering him on New Year’s Day so the joy of his safe arrival was tinged with worry for his health.

“It was a quick birth surrounded by health professionals, dashing around to support the needs of myself and my tiny baby,” said Mrs Price.

“However, the experience of giving birth to my first child in the Royal Gwent Hospital on Millennium day was one of high standards of professionalism from labour to birth.

“We were then given the challenge of losing his twin in birth, one which would take time to come to overcome.


“Derri would go on to be supported by the Special Care Baby Unit team for the next three months, where he overcame many hurdles and challenges.

“Raising a Millennium baby has had its ups and downs. Derri has taken most of it in his stride, closely watched by me and his dad.

“Derri still gets lots of attention surrounding his birth date and is affectingly known to the family as our little “millennium bug”, even though he now towers over both mum and dad.

“This year has had its challenges. Like so many other people he will be celebrating his 21st birthday at home with mum, dad and sister.

“This year hasn’t been the year we were expecting for Derri, who has been shielding due to ongoing health conditions (asthma).

“As parents of any young adult we will continue to support Derri through the challenges of the pandemic, because challenges are what makes Derri’s life more interesting.

“But overcoming them is what makes his life more meaningful”.