GWENT'S health board has warned people of a coronavirus vaccination scam text making the rounds.

The Aneurin Bevan University Health Board put out a warning on their social media channels yesterday saying a number of people had reported receiving text messages offering them a coronavirus vaccine - for payment. The board has made it clear this is a scam and any links in the message - which includes a link to a website that asks you for payment details - should not be clicked.

The health board said: “We will not ask you for payment details when booking your vaccine appointment. Currently, only people within the priority groups are being invited for their vaccine.


“Please be aware of this scam and share this important message with your family and friends”.

What should you do?

Scam messages: Don’t click on the links or attachments in suspicious emails or texts, and never respond to messages that ask for your personal or financial details.

Gwent Police offer the following advice on how to avoid being scammed.

They said: "Be alert to online scams and don't click on links that you are not sure about. Never give people personal information or credit card details unless you can confirm who they are”.