PEOPLE living with the long term effects of coronavirus can now access support and plot their recovery progress with the help of a recovery app developed by NHS Wales.

The bilingual app, the first of its kind and launched today, has been developed by the NHS Wales respiratory health group on behalf of the Welsh Government.

It is designed to offer people a bespoke tool and a 'personal coach' approach to help them on their road to recovery.

Post Covid-19 Syndrome, more commonly known as 'long covid', is estimated to effect around one-in-10 people who have had coronavirus.

It has been defined as signs and symptoms that develop during or after an infection consistent with coronavirus, that continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis.

The recovery app contains more than 100 videos and links to advice, and users will be able to record their symptoms, track their progress and learn to manage their condition at home with support.

It includes advice from therapists, psychologists, dietitians and consultants.


The app is part of a wider national approach to support people with post-covid syndrome which includes supporting health professionals to recognise the symptoms, signposting people to support, and providing a clear pathway for people as they go through the healthcare system.

It is anticipated that people are able to access the majority of the support they need close to home, and people should only have to travel for more specialised services which have to be provided in an acute hospital setting.

“The launch of this app is to reassure those people that there is support available to them and that they are not alone," said health minister Vaughan Gething.

“This app is part of a wider national approach which has been put into place to recognise those people who months later are still feeling a range of cardiac, neurological and psychological issues.

“Anyone can download the app but we’re also asking health professionals to recommend it to their patients, so their care can continue at home long after their appointment ends.

“GPs are still best placed to signpost their patients to appropriate support, carry out testing to look for any treatable symptoms, and refer patients to specialist consultants if necessary.

"This will of course mean that support is still available for anyone without a smart phone."

Always call 999 if you experience any life threatening symptoms or contact the 111 online coronavirus service or your GP if you feel your symptoms aren’t improving or you need further advice.