THIS week's Looking Back picture features Park Square in Newport city centre in 1904.

It was shared on our We Grew Up in Newport Facebook page by member Kevin Wall.

The picture shows a group of youngsters enjoying a snowball fight.

Here are some of the memories of the area shared on the Facebook post:

Jackie and Tony Fitzgerald: I was born there, well just around corner in Ivor Street, 1950, and enjoyed a childhood there.


Philip Johnson: My childhood play ground. Park Square.

Angela Jacobsen: Lived on top of Park Square... amazing

Sue Sullivan: There was a park, used to be called The Old Mans Park I believe. My dad lived in Park Square, next door neighbours were the Vacara’s (chip shop) and we lived there as children before we moved to Malpas.

We now have more than 7,700 members of our We Grew Up in Newport Facebook group who regularly post pictures and memories of the area. To join them go to

South Wales Argus: