A ROGERSTONE pub will be demolished to make way for three blocks of flats, after Newport council’s planning committee gave plans the green light.

The former Olde Oak Stave on Ruskin Avenue will be demolished, and the site will be used for 21 flats and car parking. Of these 21 flats, six will be affordable housing.

The application had previously been deferred by the city council’s planning committee in December “to allow further time to consider whether the planning contributions should be varied”.


The site sits within the Mount Pleasant housing estate and would be located on land currently occupied by the pub and its gardens.

Despite the planning committee approving the application there were several concerns raised by councillors in the meeting.

Local ward member Cllr Yvonne Forsey said she had received concerns from residents about traffic movements and the visual impact of the development.

Cllr Forsey queried in the meeting the number of traffic movements that the planning report said the development would generate in comparison to the former pub.

She said: “If the pub had generated 49 cars between 5pm and 6pm daily then it would still be open.

“The sort of traffic generated by the pub is completely different to the sort of traffic generated by 21 flats.”

Concerns were also raised by the number of representations the council had received from residents – 64 and a petition with 39 signatures.

The approval is subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement requiring the applicant to contribute 30 per cent affordable housing to be transferred to a registered social landlord and to contribute £44,367 to upgrade and maintain formal play at Cefn Wood and informal play at land to the rear of Ruskin Avenue.

The applicant is also required to contribute £38,000 for primary education.