WALES will not be "cavalier" in its approach to unlocking the coronavirus restrictions.

That is according to health minister Vaughan Gething, speaking at the coronavirus update briefing earlier today.

Mr Gething said that the Welsh Government would be relying, as ever, on the advice from scientific advisors and other experts before making changes.

"Our priority is to get children back to face-to-face learning as soon as possible," he said.

"There is a good reason why we've been advised to go for a phased approach.

"We're in the position that we have headroom enough to carry on with this and make other easements which won't compromise this.

"The choice is, do we decide to do nothing despite our apparent room for manoeuvre?

"There is nothing cavalier about our approach."


Mr Gething said that, despite the cautious approach, things were beginning to look positive in Wales.

"We now have a vaccination programme which is moving really quickly," he said.

"Wales is leading the rest of the UK and that's really positive.

However, he said that unlocking too quickly could result in a resurgence of the virus come the summer.

"There is a picture we have to consider with a number of moving pieces," he said.