SIR Keir Starmer will come to Wales today as he adds his weight to Welsh Labour’s election campaign.

The UK Labour leader will tour a number of constituencies in South Wales.

Speaking ahead of his trip, Sir Keir said: “Mark Drakeford and Welsh Labour have had the right economic plan to get Wales through the pandemic and have the right plan to power the economy with a jobs first recovery. This election is the opportunity to give them the tools to finish that work.

“Wales is a brilliant, bold and optimistic country, and Welsh Labour’s guarantee of a good quality job or training for every young person underscores the determination to make Wales the best place in the UK – and Europe - to be young and to have a family.

“Welsh Labour is also building the green economy of tomorrow. Wales is already a world leader in recycling, and I’m determined to work with Mark Drakeford and his team to create green jobs and ensure Wales is a world leader in the green industries of the future."

It is the Labour leader’s first visit to Wales during the campaign; UK leader visits often reflect how connected a party is across borders.

South Wales Argus: Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party performed poorly in Wales at the 2019 UK General Election. Source: PA WireJeremy Corbyn's Labour Party performed poorly in Wales at the 2019 UK General Election. Source: PA Wire

In 2016, then Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn eventually joined Welsh Labour’s campaign trail, but only after then Welsh Labour leader Carwyn Jones pointedly said Mr Corbyn 'probably won't' visit at all.'

There were concerns at the time that Corbyn’s low polling would have a detrimental impact on Welsh Labour’s Senedd election hopes.

There appears to be no such concerns about the new UK leader getting involved this time around however, although in Wales, Mark Drakeford arguably now has a public profile on par with his UK counterpart.

There had previously been concerns that Mr Drakeford may not campaign as effectively for the party as previous Welsh Labour leaders Carwyn Jones and Rhodri Morgan.

However, Professor Roger Awan Scully of Cardiff University told the Argus' sister pulbication The National, Drakeford now appears to form a key part of the party’s messaging and campaigning.


Professor Awan Scully continued: “Labour have leaned very heavily in the past on Rhodri Morgan and Carwyn Jones.

“What is interesting is that 15 months ago, it looked as if Labour were going to do everything possible not to focus their campaign on Mark Drakeford.

“What is really interesting now is the the kind of photos the party has used of him in their manifesto.

“They are really trying to present him as the down to earth and decent candidate, and he is now front and centre of their campaign.”

Welsh Labour has said Sir Keir will see first-hand how jobs, skills and opportunities for young people are at the heart of Welsh Labour’s election manifesto. The party has promised to deliver a £15 billion capital investment programme over the next Senedd term.

The programme will include building 20,000 low-carbon social homes for rent, in turn creating thousands of jobs and training opportunities in the construction sector and its supply chain.

Sir Keir visited businesses in North Wales last summer when Covid restrictions were eased, and the party has said he is expected to visit Wales a number of times ahead of polling day on May 6.

He faces his own electoral battles in England the same day, with 145 English local council elections and thirteen mayoral elections taking place.

This article originally appeared on the Argus' sister site The National.