HAVE you ever wondered about the part of your cat's underside that swings when it walks?

While it may look like your cat has a bit of a paunch, it's actually not a tummy at all. So what is it?

According to Jose Arce, president-elect of the American Veterinary Medical Association: "That bit of skin, fur and fat is a protective layer called the primordial pouch.

"It's positioned along the length of a cat's belly. These pouches are perfectly normal and healthy.


"All cats have primordial pouches, but they vary greatly in size; some are almost undetectable"

Arce told Live Science website that there are three main reasons for the pouch, saying: "The first is that the pouch protects the internal organs in a fight.

"The second theory is that the pouch allows cats to move faster. The pouch stretches as the cat runs, giving them extra flexibility and the ability to go farther with each bound.

"Another possibility is that the pouch is an extra space for storing food after a big meal."

However, it's important to be able to tell whether your cat has a large primordial pouch or is overweight.

If you suspect that your cat is overweight, seek advice from your vet. They may suggest feeding your feline a low-fat, high-fibre diet.