PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle are said to be “far from happy” with their new life in the United States.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped back from senior royal duties and moved to Los Angeles with son Archie as the couple prepare for the arrival of their daughter this summer.

The couple have spoken out in a string of interviews that have rocked the Royal Family in the past year.

But according to a royal expert, Harry and Meghan are finding life difficult in the US.

Duncan Larcombe, a royal expert who wrote Prince Harry: The Inside Story, has claimed the Duke and Duchess are far from content with life in the states.


He said: “I believe that, despite Harry’s insistence that he’s happy, he’s far from it.

"I don’t think he or Meghan are happy. Content people don’t create arguments and criticise people – content people want to make amends. "

"He is clearly in the very midst of his mental-health journey and causing pain to his own family."

He added: “The cause of all his anger and sadness was never the royals – it was the trauma from his mum dying when he was a child.

"That’s where the issue lies – I don’t think he’ll be truly happy until he works through that.

"He has now made the royals and the institution his enemies because of that – he’s on the warpath.”

Mr Larcombe’s comments follow a podcast interview where Harry claimed he took Meghan Markle and Archie away from the Royal Family to “break the cycle” of the “pain and suffering” of his upbringing.

Harry compared his childhood to 1998 film, The Truman Show, where Jim Carrey plays a man oblivious that his whole life is a TV show.

In an apparent swipe at his father, Prince Charles, he stressed the importance of taking his children away from the “genetic pain” of his upbringing.  

Despite Mr Larcombe’s concerns, since stepping down as working royals and moving to the US the Sussexes seem to have forged ahead with their lives.

The couple have signed lucrative deals, thought to be worth well over £100 million, with Spotify and Netflix, that have given them the capital to pursue their new lifestyle and public goals.